Dynamic V8 Air Cleaning Systems

The Dynamic V8 has set the standard in air cleaning–outperforming anything on the market in contaminant control, maintenance and cost of ownership.

Designed to meet the rigorous requirements of Green buildings, data centers, hospitals, pharmaceutical and clean manufacturing, the Dynamic V8 Air Cleaning System couples maximum effectiveness with unparalleled energy and operational savings.

The Dynamic V8, offering MERV 15 performance, utilizes both the principles of existing Dynamic products as well as several important technological advances to create a system that is a quantum leap over the current state of the art. Dynamic V8 Air Cleaning Systems offer property owners dramatic savings when using the Dynamic V8 in place of 4” MERV 13 filters in either flat or angled filter racks. On average, it takes at least 32 changes of MERV 13 filters before the first change is needed for the Dynamic V8 - without pre-filters.

In the past you had to choose between air quality and operating costs: Now you don’t.

The Dynamic V8 provides MERV 15 performance without ionizing or Ozone generation– plus VOC reduction and superior capture of dangerous ultra-fine particles. It is constructed to eliminate bypass, a critical issue for maximum performance. Further, because of the various mechanisms of the Dynamic V8, the MERV results understate the real-world effectiveness, as shown below. A typical MERV 14 passive filter will fail to trap four times as many 0.3 micron particles. In actual installations, levels of ultra-fine particles and black carbon were over 90% lower than outdoor levels.

In the past you had to choose between air quality and operating costs: Now you don’t.

The New Standard in Air Cleaning

The Dynamic V8 provides MERV 15 performance without ionizing or Ozone generation– plus VOC reduction and superior capture of dangerous ultra-fine particles. It is constructed to eliminate bypass, a critical issue for maximum performance. Further, because of the various mechanisms of the Dynamic V8, the MERV results understate the real-world effectiveness, as shown below. A typical MERV 14 passive filter will fail to trap four times as many 0.3 micron particles. In actual installations, levels of ultra-fine particles and black carbon were over 90% lower than outdoor levels.

Real-World Effectiveness

Figure 1 The graph above shows particle counts at 0.3 microns as a function of air changes in an AHAM chamber. The Dynamic V8 surpasses all others with its superior dust holding capacity.

Note on Filter Testing

As stated in the standard, the MERV test is a test for passive filters and not truly applicable for active and electronic air cleaners because of the highly conductive loading dust used (typical atmospheric dust is not conductive). Because of the absence of a universally applicable performance test, many rely on the, ASHRAE 52 test. In the standard MERV test with conductive dust, the Dynamic V8 starts as a MERV 16, briefly drops to a 13 and winds up a 14. But since the “M” in MERV is for “minimum”, the Dynamic V8 is a MERV 13. When the MERV protocol is followed using non-conductive dust (MERV-NC™), the Dynamic V8 achieves MERV 15. (Tests performed by Intertek and Blue Heaven)

V8 Results

In a highly urban environment, the Dynamic V8 provided indoor air with levels of ultra fine particles and black carbon from vehicle exhaust that were over 90% better than the levels in the outdoor air.

V8 Longevity

The Dynamic V8 has the ability to extend filter change-out intervals from months to YEARS.

Case in point: Dynamic V8 Air Cleaning Systems were installed throughout the ASHRAE Headquarters as part of their renewal renovation project in Atlanta, Georgia. Air cleaners were installed in small fan coil units (without pre-filters) and on a dedicated outdoor air system. The ASHRAE facility "living lab" allowed real-time monitoring of static pressure and air quality on a room by room basis. TVOCs and particle levels indoors consistently ran lower than outdoors. The air cleaner filter media was replaced when static pressure reached twice the "clean" static pressure - after seven (7) years and four (4) months of operation. For more information about this project, as reviewed in the ASHRAE Journal, click here.

Lowest Life-Cycle Cost/Longest Life

The least expensive filter is the one that you never put in.

  • Energy, maintenance and disposal account for over 90% of the cost of filtration.
  • The Dynamic V8 slashes all three to deliver operating costs that are 1/3 that of alternatives.
  • Typical paybacks are less than three years.
Maximum Loading

The Dynamic V8 holds up to ten times the dust of standard cartridge and bag filters and up to 100 times the dust of shallow-bed passive filters, as shown in Figure 2. Loading is critical to the ongoing costs of filtration, but is often overlooked or not reported. Unlike passive filters (which load primarily on the face of the media), the Dynamic V8 loads throughout the full 1” depth of each of the eight media pads and 360° around each fiber. This three-dimensional loading accounts for the V8’s dramatic ability to collect contaminants. And the active-field technology tightly holds what has been collected so it is not shed back into the airstream.

Unequalled Dust-Loading

Figure 2. The graph above shows pressure drop as a function of dust load.

Longest Maintenance Cycles

Dramatic loading means a typical maintenance cycle should be over three years. That means no quarterly pre-filter change outs and nine-month final filter replacements. That frees up a lot of time for maintenance personnel to concentrate on other things. Less media changes also means less material use, less disposal costs and a smaller environmental footprint for the building.

The least expensive kilowatt is the one you never use.

Maximum Energy Savings

Superior loading also flattens the pressure drop curve to save over 1” of static. This means big energy savings and the potential for smaller fan selection. Energy costs are a major concern for facility managers and are, at current rates, typically 80-85% of the cost of filtration, far outweighing initial filter cost. A MERV 14 cartridge filter array with pre-filters will consume three times more energy than a Dynamic V8.

Green Design and LEED

The Dynamic V8 is completely consistent with the goals of LEED and Green Design: it does more with less: more IAQ, less energy, less time, less waste. It is the choice for LEED projects and is installed throughout the LEED Platinum renovation of ASHRAE Headquarters and in numerous projects around the world. Whether you are seeking LEED certification or simply designing with Green priniples in mind, the Dynamic V8 provides the highest level of performance with the minimum environmental footprint.

V8 Energy & Carbon

On a 20,000 cfm air handler, the V8 can save up to 30,000 kWh and 40,000 pounds of CO2 per year versus passive alternatives.

V8 LEED Projects

Dynamic V8 Air Cleaners are installed throughout the LEED platinum renovation of ASHRAE headquarters and in numerous LEED projects around the world.